Why does my gold fish have black spots on his fins? - Treatments for diseased fishes

Black spot/Yellow grub

Why does my gold fish have black spots on his fins?

Fishes having Black spot/Yellow grub usually show this symptom of 'Black spots'

Carefully read though the article to find out whether your Gold Fish is having Black spot/Yellow grub.

About disease, Black spot/Yellow grub

The disease is caused by a parasite called larval trematode. Small black or brown spots appear on the body, fins. Sometimes also on eyes and month. Disease is not infectious to one another. Once formed these black spots will remain. Black Spot is generally easy to cure.

Physical Symptoms

  • Black spots
  • Yellow spots
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Skin fluke diseased fish

Gold Fish sufferring from Black spot/Yellow grub

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Use Aquasonic Formalin 37%

Put 2 drops per gallon daily in a bare aquarium. Or else In-tank treatment: 1 milliliter (ml) per 10 gallons

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