Why do striped bass rub against rocks? - Treatments for diseased fishes

Coral fish disease

Why do striped bass rub against rocks?

Fishes having Coral fish disease usually show this symptom of 'Rubbing against hard objects'

Carefully read though the article to find out whether your Striped bass is having Coral fish disease.

About disease, Coral fish disease

The fishes may rub against hard objects.
On close examination there may be sone haziness on the skin.
The gills may be inflamed. Affected fishes typically show rapid gill movement.

Physical Symptoms

  • Inflamed gills
  • Whitish opaqueness

Behavioural Symptoms

  • Rapid gill movement
  • Rubbing against hard objects
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Skin fluke diseased fish

Striped bass sufferring from Coral fish disease

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Reducing salinity

Reducing salinity to < 10 ppt will usually be sufficient, but fish must be kept at this low salinity for at least 2 to 3 weeks.

Copper treatment

Treatment with copper-containing compounds should be continued for at least 2 to 3 weeks to control an outbreak of A. ocellatum. Coppercontaining compounds are highly toxic to invertebrates and should never be used in systems housing these animals.

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