Why does my carp have white stuff on it? - Treatments for diseased fishes

Fish pox

Why does my carp have white stuff on it?

Fishes having Fish pox usually show this symptom of 'Small white spots'

Carefully read though the article to find out whether your Carp is having Fish pox.

About disease, Fish pox

This disease manifests itself as small opalescent white spots with a greasy appearance and possibly with streaks of black pigment, standing proud of the skin by 1 to 2mm and gradually increasing in size.
The spots may merge, so that large areas of the skin are affected.
The growths are quite firm and as they age, they may take on a reddish grey apearance.

Physical Symptoms

  • Reddish or white spots merging into paches
  • Small white spots
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Carp sufferring from Fish pox

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Keep a healthy sorrounding

If affected fishes are kept in clean, healthy sorroundings then the signs should disapper after 8-12 weeks. They may reappear but inlikely to do so in really healthy fish.

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