Why doesn't my neon tetra eat? - Treatments for diseased fishes

Fish TB

Why doesn't my neon tetra eat?

Fishes having Fish TB usually show this symptom of 'Loss of appetite and color'

Carefully read though the article to find out whether your Neon Tetra is having Fish TB.

About disease, Fish TB

The signs can be very varied. Affected fishes can show loss of appetite, become listless and lose their colour.
Later in the course of the disease, they may become emaciated and develop bulbous eyes and skin defects.
They may also suffer a deforemed spine.
Frequently, no outward signs are apparent beore several fishes die suddenly.

Physical Symptoms

  • Bulbous eyes
  • Skin defects

Behavioural Symptoms

  • Listless or Swims abnormally
  • Loss of appetite and color
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Skin fluke diseased fish

Neon Tetra sufferring from Fish TB

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