Why is my trout has a lump on its side? - Treatments for diseased fishes

Nodular diseases

Why is my trout has a lump on its side?

Fishes having Nodular diseases usually show this symptom of 'Lumps - various shapes'

Carefully read though the article to find out whether your Trout is having Nodular diseases.

About disease, Nodular diseases

Infected fishes show rice-shaped cysts on the gills and skin, varying from pinhead-sized spots to boils as large as pea and larger.
In some cases balance michanism of the fishes may disrupted.

Physical Symptoms

  • Lumps - various shapes
  • Small white spots

Behavioural Symptoms

  • Whirling motion
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Skin fluke diseased fish

Trout sufferring from Nodular diseases

Fish Doc App is your pocket guide when you got a sick fish in your aquarium or pond


Protecting other fishes

It is better to destroy heavily infested fishes and to disinfect the tank or pond thougoughly.

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