Why do my gold fish has worms on them? - Treatments for diseased fishes

Skin flukes

Why do my gold fish has worms on them?

Fishes having Skin flukes usually show this symptom of 'Small worms on body'

Carefully read though the article to find out whether your Gold Fish is having Skin flukes.

About disease, Skin flukes

Serious infections cause fishes to rub against hard objects, and the skin will appear opaque and possibly inflamed.
Minor infections are unlikely to show any easily spotted symptoms.

Physical Symptoms

  • Small worms on body
  • Inflamed patches
  • Whitish opaqueness

Behavioural Symptoms

  • Rubbing against hard objects
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Skin fluke diseased fish

Gold Fish sufferring from Skin flukes

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Treat with Prazipro

Prazipro can be used for disease conditions caused by flukes, tapeworm, flatworm and turbellarians

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