Why do carp rub on the bottom? - Treatments for diseased fishes

Velvet disease

Why do carp rub on the bottom?

Fishes having Velvet disease usually show this symptom of 'Rubbing against hard objects'

Carefully read though the article to find out whether your Carp is having Velvet disease.

About disease, Velvet disease

Fishes rub themselves against solid objects and may have difficulty in breathing. As the infection takes hold, a yellowish brown to greyish haze, initially made up of discrete dots, can be seen on the skin.
By this time skin may also become inflammed.
Untreated fishes become emaciated. It is possible to see the individual parasites with a magnifying glass.

Physical Symptoms

  • Emaciated
  • Inflammation of skin
  • Yellow-brown to greying haze

Behavioural Symptoms

  • Breathing Difficulties
  • Rubbing against hard objects
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Carp sufferring from Velvet disease

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Treat with Copper

There are many remedies available, most of which contains copper sulphate. Which is effective but should be used cautiously and exactly as manufacturer recommends.

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