Why do gold fish rub on the bottom? - Treatments for diseased fishes


Why do gold fish rub on the bottom?

Fishes having Chilodonella usually show this symptom of 'Rubbing against hard objects'

Carefully read though the article to find out whether your Gold Fish is having Chilodonella.

About disease, Chilodonella

Affected fishes rub against rub against hard objects and hold their fins. A whitish-blue opaqueness covers the skin. Perticularly between head and the dorsal fin. If the gills are affected respiration rate increases noticebly. In the later stages of the infection the skin may have swollen appearance then fall away.

Behavioural Symptoms

  • Increased respiration rates
  • Rubbing against hard objects
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Gold Fish sufferring from Chilodonella

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Dip in 3% Salt

If the fishes are reasonably strong an excellent treatment for fresh water species is 3% salt dip. Keep the fishes in this until they roll over. And then move them rapidly back to their own tank.

Dip in 1% Salt

As an alternative and less stressful treatment, use 1 percent salt solution for 10-15 mins. Then replace the fishes in clean water - Preferebly 28℃-30℃ for tropical species.

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