Why is my yellow tang breathing heavily? - Treatments for diseased fishes


Why is my yellow tang breathing heavily?

Fishes having Cryptocaryon usually show this symptom of 'Increased respiration rates'

Carefully read though the article to find out whether your Yellow Tang is having Cryptocaryon.

About disease, Cryptocaryon

Soon after infection fishes scrape themselves energetically against stones and hold their fins close to the body.
As the disease progress grayish white nodules about 2mm in diameter appear on the skin.
Respiration becomes rapid if the gills are infested.

Physical Symptoms

  • Small greyish/white nodules
  • Inflamed patches

Behavioural Symptoms

  • Fins Closed
  • Increased respiration rates
  • Rubbing against hard objects
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Yellow Tang sufferring from Cryptocaryon

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Copper treatment

Treatment with copper-containing compounds should be continued for at least 2 to 3 weeks to control an outbreak of A. ocellatum. Coppercontaining compounds are highly toxic to invertebrates and should never be used in systems housing these animals.

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